Whitney Haldeman Blonde Atlas || 30 Questions on 30A || Santorini

This post is part of my weekly Q&A series “30 Questions on 30A” where I interview friends, blogger babes and girl bosses to learn what makes them tick and find out their 30A favorites!

You know that girl who has a personality so warm and engaging you feel like you’ve know her forever, even the first time you meet? That’s Whitney! Whitney Haldeman is the blogger behind Blonde Atlas, an online destination for inspiration and living your best life. She’s so sweet and inspiring that you might find yourself chatting about life and dreams by only the second glass of wine. It’s like having a major pep talk where you end up feeling empowered and excited about what’s ahead. Whitney often hosts goal workshops as part of her approach to helping people find their true north, but even more than that, Whitney is the ultimate travel buddy. She left behind a corporate job to pursue her dreams of wanderlust and is now a professional travel blogger with quite the collection of countries marking her passport. She hops from city to city with style and shares all of her experiences with Blonde Atlas readers. In addition to her 30A favorites, she has shared travel guides for Santorini, London, Croatia, Rome, Ireland, Grenada, Amsterdam and more. Scroll down to read our 30 Questions on 30A interview and be sure to visit Blonde Atlas for more gorgeous travel inspiration.  

Whitney Haldeman Blonde Atlas || 30 Questions on 30A || Rosemary Beach
Rosemary Beach

1. How do you describe your business in three words?
Passion. Adventure. Possibility. 

2. How do you describe your personal style?

3. How did you first hear about 30A?
One of my best friends brought me + I fell in love!

4. What is your can’t-miss 30A restaurant?
George’s Alys Beach.

5. Favorite low-key spot on 30A?
I always love a smoothie from Raw & Juicy in Seaside.

6. What do you order when you get coffee on 30A?
Iced coffee with almond milk from Fonville Press in Alys Beach.

7. Who would you dream of having coffee with?
Ellen! She’s hilarious + has the best heart. 

8. Best spot to grab cocktails?
The roof at The Pearl!

9. Favorite sunset view on 30A?
Anywhere on the beach!

10. What’s in your beach bag?
Turkish towel. Headphones. Condé Nast Traveler. The biggest bottle of water I can find.

Whitney Haldeman of Blonde Atlas // Alys Beach // 30 Questions on 30A
Alys Beach

11. Favorite 30A memory so far?
Girl talk + fondue at La Crema in Rosemary Beach with my best friends on our annual trip.

12. Favorite time of day?
Just after sunrise. Doing my quiet time before anyone else is at the beach.

13. Last dish you ordered?
Turkey burger + truffle fries 

14. Last book you read?
Present Over Perfect.

15. Most used app on your phone?
Instagram… guilty again.

16. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
On an average day? 20 minutes.

17. What one beauty product can’t you live without?
La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water Spray

18. What is the last souvenir you purchased?
Belgian Waffles in Brussels

19. What is your go-to travel outfit?
Lately I’ve been living in my Sweaty Betty leggings + Nike trainers, but I at least try to fake a “pulled together” look with a tunic + cashmere scarf on top! But always lots of light layers.

20. Favorite fashion or beauty trend of all time?
Can’t go wrong with a red lip!

Whitney Haldeman Blonde Atlas || 30 Questions on 30A || London

21. How do you get to know a city when you travel?
Lots of online research on the front end. Lots of walking + talking to locals when I finally get there. 

22. Favorite destination?
Ugh, IMPOSSIBLE! But cliché as it sounds, London + Paris are probably tied.

23. Best travel tip?
Always ask the locals!

24. What influencers do you love to follow?
I have a whole community of travel bloggers I love! But I’d have to say my favorite is Julia from Gal Meets Glam

25. What is your guilty pleasure?
Carbs. Especially Nutella.

26. How do you unwind?
Red wine is my long time answer but lately I’ve been getting into Jazz music (even better when I have both!)

27. Who/what is your spirit animal?
Meryl Streep. 

28. What has been your biggest influence?
Travel – hands down. 

29. What are your best words of advice for aspiring lady bosses chasing the dream?
Just freaking go for it. You’ll always regret it if you don’t. 

30. What most excites you about life lately?
Travel! Travel excites me about life always

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Check it out! 30 Questions on 30A with Whitney Haldeman of Blonde Atlas

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