I went to a funeral yesterday. Isn’t it funny how that can get you thinking? There’s nothing like the thought of being out of time to get the wheels turning about how you want to spend the time that you have. And while tears are shed, I always find the characterizations of that person and...
How I Spend My Lunch Break
Thank you Bibigo for sponsoring this post. Visit your local market to enjoy the flavors of Bibigo any day of the week! As a mom and entrepreneur, it seems like no two days are the same. I try to keep the mornings and my morning routine as consistent as possible, so that by lunch, I’ve...
Bright Eyed Mornings with Newton Baby
Newton Baby provided this product in exchange for an honest review. Good morning, friends! Today I wanted to share an essential part of our everyday. I’m talking about something that helps me rest easier, makes our nights smoother, lets me wake up bright-eyed and improves how we feel each day. I’m talking about… a crib...
Instagram Story Templates
Hold down image to save. Share to your stories and be sure to tag me @jamiray!
Keeping It Simple and Sunny
This post was sponsored by Playtex® Simply Gentle Glide™. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Ever feel like life is just getting a little overcomplicated? We live in an age with apps for everything and add-ons, supplements or upgrades available for nearly every product or experience. It can all seem a little “extra” at...
Chic Swing Bed on the Dock
I am so excited to share this post with you today! What better day than a Labor Day holiday to share one of my go-to spaces lately for a little rest and relaxation at home. Several of you have asked for the final product after seeing my initial sneak peek of this Nate and Lane...
Helping NYFW Feel Like a Walk on the Beach
I received compensation from Dr. Scholl’s® to write this post. All opinions are entirely my own. #advertisement For this mama, every September brings an added energy and a new level of excitement that isn’t part of my everyday life here at the beach. On a given weekday, I’m typically going from school drop off to...