Is it already Monday? I’m still in Sunday mode.
It was a busy weekend and a lazy weekend. Those two seem to go hand in hand lately as most tasks like straightening my hair, unloading the dishwasher and putting on boots require a little rest or at least a deep breath afterward. Even so, I feel like I made a lot of progress by getting the usual weekend housework done as well as painting the nursery. Yep, painting the nursery is almost done. At least step 1 of painting is done. A few finishing touches are still needed, but I’ve gone from staring at the paint chip to staring at the paint on the walls. Finally! Jennifer and I picked out the paint almost two weeks ago! It’s not quite pepto bismol, but it is pink.
As much as Hunter and I said we weren’t going anywhere near pink or anything too feminine (even once we knew it was a girl), it’s now clear that little Emery will be coming home to a bit more pink, frill, pink, girlyness and more pink than we originally planned. Surprisingly, Hunter has been even worse about picking out these kind of things than I have. I’m pretty sure he is already wrapped around her little finger…

Stay tuned to see which of these is the chosen color and for pictures of the finished paint project. (Not that the rest of it is anywhere near complete!)