I know you’ve all been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting hear what we plan to do about a nursery. You saw my inspiration ideas weeks ago and only now am I getting around to some of those very important details. First thing’s first. I ordered a crib back in November which was delivered a few weeks later. The box has been sitting unassembled in the former guest room/office for  awhile now, waiting for a little attention. I finally decided it was time to get our act together so I had Hunter assemble it. We’ll get back to that when we talk more about the furniture for our little peanut, but for now you can see in the snapshots below that we do indeed have a sweet little bed for a sweet little nugget. 
So, what’s the first big project on our list? Painting of course! Luckily, we only had to cover half since the bottom is white. We went from a hazy blue-gray called Woodlawn something (by Valspar) to a sweet, soft, barely-there pink.
At first I didn’t want anything to do with a color remotely resembling pink, but the more I shopped around and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted my baby girl to be, well, girly. Don’t worry, I won’t be going over-the-top (I hope!) with frills and lace and ruffles galore, but a neutralish pink wall will be the perfect backdrop for our girl’s first room. What do you think?