After much browsing other blogs, flipping through wedding magazines, clipping, contemplating, creating, font-changing, re-creating, and editing, I was finally able to design an invitation I was satisfied with and now I can officially say they are DONE! They are black and white (of course), but I didn’t want them to be all solid colors, too plain, too busy or look too much like a DIY project, even though that’s exactly what it was. I knew I wanted a pouch style with enclosures and found the perfect little black pouch online along with the snazzy ocean-colored outer envelope and RSVP envelope. I was sold on these as soon as I saw the pointed flaps on the envelopes. (The folded, finished size is 6″ square.)

I designed the actual invite to be 5.75″ square, and pasted that to the middle panel of the pouch. I made the details page (with reception and website info) to measure the same, 5.75″, then the RSVP card to fit inside the RSVP envelope. The card measured 5.5″ x 4.75″. I stuffed these in the side pocket and folded the pouch. I added a small black and white sticker to keep the pouches closed, then all this went into the outer envelope.

I made an address label and a return address label with the same damask pattern, printed them, stuck them on and voila! After adding lovely king and queen stamps, hand-writing all the addresses, and sealing the envelope, here is the finished product. Done and done.
(Sorry the picture is so fuzzy. I took it with my phone.)

Now I just have to wait for the RSVPs to roll in…