How is it possible that six entire months have already flown by since March 31st? Emery is already at the half year mark and I still sometimes have to remind myself that Hunter and I have a baby! She is such a cool. laid-back girl and has fit right into our lives like a perfect fit. She goes with the flow, doesn’t mind new people or new places, and rarely even frowns, let alone cry for hours. Emery is always so happy and smiley and seems like such a little lady. She loves to hold her hands together and touch my face or Hunter’s face. She puts her hands in her mouth all the time and will settle for her feet sometimes, too. She sits up all by herself now and likes to lean over to see things closer. She reaches for everything she can and opens her mouth to make singing noises and grunting sounds. She blows raspberries all day long and is just learning to pull herself up from a sitting position. Every now and then,  we even hear a shriek, as if she’s just testing it out in case she needs it. Since we started on baby food this month (organic of course!), she’s learned to swallow and not spit it all out. She loves dinner time, fiddles with her bib and likes to lean over and open her mouth in my direction, so I know she’s ready for another bite. She’s a bit of a princess in that regard. She likes her toys  and cuddles at bed time. Cat naps are plentiful and bath time is a favorite. Just laying down in the water puts her at ease. She likes a lot of sleep and is so happy when she wakes up in the morning. In short, she’s growing up fast. We even refer to a few months ago as “when Emery was a baby” because she seems so much more mature. I love this sweet girl with all my heart and can’t wait to see her smiling face every day. She’s my pride and joy and she’s six months old today!