People always say it’s the little things in life that can make you happiest. Since we’ve moved to our new house, it’s been busy non-stop day and night. We’re a week in and we’re still unpacking never-ending boxes, trying to find the glasses, forgetting where the shampoo is, staying up to finish tasks once Emery goes to sleep and hoping we can really settle in soon. Did I mention we don’t have furniture yet? We at least have all of Emery’s room and a guest bed to hold us over until we order new furniture after we (finally) close next week. So excited for that!

In the midst of all this mild chaos, I’ve found time to stop and enjoy the beautiful sunsets from our new view. I’ve even been up for the sunrise on a few occasions. The sky is absolutely gorgeous during these times and I really look forward to sitting on the porch watching them with my sweet girl. It’s a great reminder of the beauty around us every day and that God’s creations are truly awesome and inspiring. Please enjoy. 🙂





