I love love LOVE the beauty of the blogosphere. Keeping up with friends old, new and even those never met helps me feel a little more connected and in touch. In the midst of a crazy week at work and piles of laundry at home that seem to reproduce spontaneously, I can check in with a few favorite blogs, scroll through inspirational words, photos of shopping inspiration, easy meal ideas and more. Though it seems like I never have enough time to fully digest ALL of my reading lists, I love discovering new tumblrs, blogs or profiles to follow and I’m sure you do, too.

Even though mine are a wee bit late this week, nevertheless, here are a few that have been especially lovely.

  • Anything cobalt. Anything mint.
  • Cassie over at Womanista celebrated her big 3-0 back in February and I finally got around to reading about a few of the things she’s learned in three decades. If you, like me, have been made acutely aware that the same milestone birthday is fast approaching this year, now’s the time to hop over and read all about it.
  • My FSU girl Cory of Eat & Relish is typically overflowing with delicious and healthy recipes and gorgeous tidbits of her adorable new San Fran life, complete with the cutest pug. Today, she pleasantly surprised us with a treat of her first Friday faves that includes food AND fashion (squeal!). I automatically want all of her “Get in my closet” links. Thanks, Cory!
  • Keeping with the food topic, I have been slightly obsessed with eating these in the morning, either made by me (yes, me!) or purchased directly from this Grayton Beach coffee house.
  • Next on my shopping list are pants like these seen on Cathy (another FSU girl) over at Poor Little It Girl. I love the spring styling head to toe!
  • Last but not least is darling Ainsley who always has the most lovely words. This week she delves into self-scrutiny and acceptance. It’s a beautiful thing!
Hope all of you enjoy a pretty sweet weekend!