Sparkles, leopard and a bunny backpack. I definitely take full advantage of being able to help Emery pick out her clothes each morning (while it lasts!), but lately she takes full charge in choosing her accessories. Those outfit extras range from a necklace or purse to a bow or headband to which doll or animal gets the privilege of riding to school with us. This morning, a sweet little bunny backpack made its first appearance holding Emery’s “cell phone” and snacks for the day. I love this outfit! Even more? I love this sweet, sweet girl who gets smarter and funnier every day.

Emery Style Emery Style - sparkles and leopard Emery Style - sparkles and leopard Emery Style - sparkles and leopard Emery Style - sparkles and leopard Emery Style - sparkles and leopardCardigan: J. Crew crew cuts  |  Leggings: J. Crew crew cuts (similar)  |  Shoes:  Old Navy  |  Silver Bow:  Target  |  Bunny Backpack:  gift (not sure where from)