
Growing at the Speed of Light

My girl is growing faster than I can keep up. At her last well-check appointment she was right on track, growing at a normal rate. This time around, just over three months later, she’s a tiny giant, registering in the 95th percentile for height. She’s as tall as a two year old! These days she talks...


Life Tastes Good

Life is busy. Days are chaotic. The “To-Do” list is never really done, is it? As easy as it is for me to get wrapped up in reports, action items and project statuses, I have to force myself to slow down long enough to enjoy the tiny little treasures of moments. These amazing, simple snippets...


sweet southern sayings

Growing up and living in the South means hearing (and saying) my fair share of sweet southern twang. There are more country sayings around here than you can shake a stick at. Some of them are a bit of a tongue twister (“Can’t tell no one that ain’t been nowhere nothing nohow.”), some simply don’t...


Happy Friday to Career Moms!

I’m sure you’ve all seen at least one of the “What I Do” memes floating around, from journalists to gamers, lawyers to Nicolas Cage and even stay-at-home moms. I haven’t come across one for career moms, so I decided to make my own. To all of the woman trying to balance work, mommy hood, being a...


life lately + the giveaway winner!

There has been so much going on lately, that I’ve fallen asleep on the couch, laptop open on more than one night this week.  It’s been a whirlwind, but in a good way. It’s real life, to be honest. First, let me tell you about my pride and joy. Miss Emery Lynn has given us...


green acres

Have I mentioned we live in the country? Some weekends are decidedly more  “Green Acres”-esque than others. Even though we’ve been here for a few months, adjusting to the ways of country life is still, well, an adjustment. Our house is surrounded by grass, trees, rolling hills, doves, robins and deer. We have hunting dogs with...


woods and water

Some weekends start with a bang and are so action-packed you can hardly catch a breath cramming in one thing and another before you realize it’s 10 pm Sunday night and you have accomplished exactly NOTHING. (Maybe that’s just me?) Luckily, this weekend wasn’t like that at all. It was laid-back, relaxing, and full of...


santa + baby

After a less than stellar home-cooked meal by yours truly Tuesday night (sorry, babe!), we decided to go out for a nice family dinner last night. While we were out and about, hustling and bustling along, we took Emery to see Santa. We weren’t sure what she would think about her first encounter with the...


southern snow

Living The Pioneer Woman-esque life in the country has its perks. One major plus: pretty pastoral views from dawn til dusk of rolling green hills, tree tops, winding roads, brilliant sunshine and open fields of grass and cotton. I drive past this particular patch of Southern snow every day, but today the early morning sun...


lace, pearls & angel wings

I recently read this article over on coolmomtech that names babies as the next great American consumer. I believe it. Who knew I would ever spend so much time browsing any Etsy page, baby boutique or store aisle that remotely appeared to have baby clothes, toys or accessories? Not me. But I have. And I’ve found...


toes in the water

While Hunter and I were in Tallahassee watching our Seminoles play, his mom Michele took Emery to the beach for the annual Coastal Clean-up. One little girl was so excited to see everyone doing their part to pick up trash, throw away garbage and help keep our beautiful beaches just as pretty as they should...


going, going, gone

People always say it’s the little things in life that can make you happiest. Since we’ve moved to our new house, it’s been busy non-stop day and night. We’re a week in and we’re still unpacking never-ending boxes, trying to find the glasses, forgetting where the shampoo is, staying up to finish tasks once Emery...


three months young

My, how time flies! We’re celebrating the three month milestone of our sweet girl’s life and finding it hard to believe she’s been with us this long. It seems like just yesterday Hunter and I were breaking the big news to our families.


61 days of emery

I can’t believe another month with Emery has flown by so fast. Where did the last four weeks go? Today she got her two month shots and tomorrow I’m back to work. Next thing you know, I’ll be sending her off to college. So much has happened this month and I’m constantly amazed at how...


emery’s nursery

I’ve finally FINALLY finished Emery’s sweet little space. It took months of contemplating colors, cribs and furniture selections before I eventually put it all together for the princess. It was mostly complete by the time we packed our bags for the hospital, but a few details and waiting for the chair to arrive meant it...