While Hunter and I were in Tallahassee watching our Seminoles play, his mom Michele took Emery to the beach for the annual Coastal Clean-up. One little girl was so excited to see everyone doing their part to pick up trash, throw away garbage and help keep our beautiful beaches just as pretty as they should be. 
She looks like she’s ready to run down the boardwalk!

 I love this little smirk!

 There’s my pretty girl! I like to think she loves the ruffly dress and will appreciate the girly things in life.

 I’ve taken Emery to the beach far enough to stick her toes in the sand, but hitting the water this day was a first. I’m not sure she knew what to think.

 Emery likes to clench her fists when she’s nervous or upset and look how tight her little hands are closed!

There’s the first wave of clear water hitting her foot. I think she likes it now!
So sweet! She’s just hanging out, letting the waves splash her legs. I’m thinking she’ll be a water baby for sure.

 Kelli, who I work with, was also at the clean-up with her daughter Ali. Ali wanted to look after Emery and Kelli said when she thought no one was looking, Ali was telling Em all the important life lessons a girl should know. Kelli heard Ali whispering to Emery things like, “You have to blink your eyelashes like this,” and “Always ask the daddy for things you really want.” How cute is that?

New little friends.

Kelli took all these adorable pics, and I’m so thankful. I love to see the little moments I miss and these were definitely some sweet ones! Thanks, Kel!