It seems we’ve been going a million miles an hour, with holiday parties, festivities and the accompanying hoopla on top of business as usual. (Yes, I said hoopla.) It’s been exhausting. Fun, but exhausting. I’ve been relying heavily on Coffee Frappuccinos, which I’m sure I’ll have to give up in January. For now, those and home-brewed cappuccinos are keeping me awake and mostly sane.

Did you just realize there are only four days til Christmas or is that just me? Eek! Here’s a run-down of a few pretty sweet things currently on my radar and/or to-do list:

1. Make more of this. Did I mention it was a hit at the holiday office party last week? Not only were people impressed that it wasn’t store-bought, but it was tasty, too. It’s a great thing to pile in a jar, tie a ribbon on and give as a gift, which is exactly what I plan to do.

2. Finish my holiday shopping. I’ve been web window shopping at Taigan. They have an impressive collection of chic goodies including this for me, this for Emery, and this for Hunter.  Yes, please!

3. Try this hairstyle… and get it right. I’m so boring when it comes to styling my hair and this is already on my pre-New Year’s list of improvements.

4. Follow cool people on Instagram like @manrepeller,  @dannijo, @alice_olivia, and @zooeydeschanel.  It’s pretty cool to see the personal and quirkly photos people share. Kind of like a more streamlined version of Twitter.

What about you? What’s on your list?