I’m a happy, happy girl today! Have you ever experienced a magical moment of synergy? When something so impulsive and spur-of-the-moment becomes something amazing and exciting? It was an idea that popped up out of nowhere, “Hey, let’s make a magazine. Wouldn’t that be fun?” That’s essentially how the very first issue of 30A Street Style came about on a whim this summer.  Sometimes recreating those totally awesome unplanned moments don’t always work and I’ve been trying to organize the follow up to what was an out-of-the-blue debut. We had so much positive feedback and enthusiasm that I didn’t want to put out a second e-zine unless it was as good or better than the first. What eventually came together is an issue that I truly love and am so proud of. It has fashion. It has real people. It has our gorgeous beaches. It has usable tips. And (I think) it has fun. At the very least, I had fun creating it. I was lucky enough to chat with the lovely Cassie Kelley of Womanista, the talented Mychael Knight of Project Runway, local blogger Sarah Powers of Closetini and put together plenty of fun fashion with my girl Caitlyn Ward. Please take a moment to check it out and let me know what you think. Click here to jump to the full e-zine.
