The weather lately has been beyond gorgeous. Nice warm temps in the 70s, gentle breezes and cool evenings so pregnant women like me don’t get overheated and melt. My goal for the afternoon was to spend some quality lounge time outside getting some sun and possibly falling asleep in a comfy chair soaking up a little vitamin D. That’s sort of what I ended up doing. Hunter wanted to fish so I tagged along instead of lounging alone. We made it to a friend’s dock o n the bayou and I settled in to this pretty view:
Here’s an idea of what I’m carrying around these days. The dock wasn’t exactly the comfy chair I had envisioned but the scenery made up for it.
It wasn’t long after Hunter cast a few lines in the water that he hooked what he was waiting for. I had to run to the other end of the dock to get a net so the big guy couldn’t get away while Hunter reeled him in, but if you’ve ever been pregnant, you know 8 1/2 months along is no time to be making fast moves and running. It probably took me a good 2 minutes to get to a standing position alone, but I got the net and we caught the fish. Success!
I decided to get in on the action and after a few of Hunter’s instructions, I was reeling in my own before I knew it. It was so fun! I wasn’t very good at the reeling part, so it took a little longer to get him up to the dock so Hunter could grab him with the net, but we pulled him in. I didn’t want to touch it but Hunter made me hold it for the photo. I think he was really proud, especially knowing my tom-boy days had pretty much ended by age 13. I even caught another one but it got too close to the dock, cut the line and swam away for at least another day. Even so, I was impressed with myself! 🙂
After that, I figured my work was done and I went back to lounge mode until Hunter called it a day. It was such a pretty afternoon and boaters, kayakers and YOLO boarders were all out and about on the water. I can’t wait to YOLO once I am bump-free and back to my normal level of balance.
Finally, here’s a shot of our matching fish. I think mine’s bigger, but who’s keeping track. Hunter said next time I should hold it out closer to the camera. Not bad, huh?