It was one of those mornings when extra coffee is not an option, but a requirement. I desperately needed the caffeine boost and every time I saw this little Christmas tree pop up at the bottom of my mug, I went straight for a refill. It’s only Saturday, but I knew I would need to keep my energy up and let’s face it, it’s been a long week.
This festive mug helps perk up my morning.
You’ve heard the saying “Work to live; don’t live to work.” As much as I love what I do, I wouldn’t trade mommy time with Emery for anything. The two full days of chasing after her, changing diapers, tickle time, giving bottles and talking in every silly voice I can muster are priceless. She’s so inquisitive and wants to explore everything. She crookedly crawls all over the place (one leg bent, one leg straight) and grabs my leg to stand up and look around every moment she gets. She likes to be part of the action. Emery is a big fan of anything shiny or sparkly (naturally) and carefully inspects all my jewelry choices on a daily basis. 
She also likes to eat the shiny, sparkly things I wear. No big deal.
This morning, we made our way to the Farmer’s Market in Seaside and I’m fairly sure that it was the coldest day of the year we’ve had thus far. Even so, I decided to park and walk for a bit. I love walking around and seeing the sights. Lovely homes, cute signs and the beauty of scenic highway 30A.
It was f-f-f-freezing outside at the Farmer’s Market, but we made the rounds and picked up the essentials we needed. 
Had to pick these up for my hot chocolate-loving husband. 
A sweet little owl girl all bundled up.
While I was in the neighborhood, I took a peek into Pizitz Interiors. The color palette inside was decidedly white and neutral and the shop even included some nice budget-friendly items along with their high-end selections. I love these Seaside matches!
I want these stools!!
If you’re looking for a fun place to try in South Walton, check out Raw & Juicy for healthy goodies. It’s really the originator of the Farmers Market and helped it grow to the level it is now, impressive for our small beach town.
Raw & Juicy
Decked for the holidays!
I wanted to get a picture of Emery in front of the Seaside post office, but she was out and this was all I could steal.
Despite the unpleasantly chilly temps. the beach looked so nice and inviting. I, for one, am already counting down and looking forward to a warm early spring. For now, I’ll just settle for the pure views. 
 By this time, my sweet Emery was fast asleep and looking like an angel. 
 I packed her up, squeezed our FSU Fight Song- playing horse Renegade (or Ren Ren as we now refer to him) into Emery’s lap and headed home with our purchases in tow. I have to say I’m most excited about the Ocheessee Milk and the goat cheese made from their cream. Yum, yum, and double yum! I may or may not have popped open the cheese and sampled a healthy portion on the way home. 
And before I go, I had to share this. Emery is now holding her bottle up by herself, not just with two hands, but with a little added support – her feet!  That’s my girl! Growing up so fast, one Saturday at a time.