Now THIS is a cool fundraiser! The children’s charity UNICEF has partnered with Glidden to sell colors to raise money for their efforts around the world. If you’re like me and into design even a smidge, you’re probably familiar with the hexadecimal codes used to define colors onscreen by their mix of red, green and blue. I’m not usually one to give to global efforts like these (don’t judge, I’m just not as familiar with these so I’ve never donated), but I thought the idea of owning and naming my own color for just $2 was kind of cool and super easy. Did you know there are over 16.7 million possible color combinations? That’s a lot of choices (and fund-raising!). I had a hard time picking my shade but I finally chose it, named it and donated. What a fun way to get involved and contribute to saving a child’s life. 
Choose a color family

Keep reading to see what color I’m the proud new owner of. 🙂
Thanks to my friends at VIE for the inspiration! 🙂

Choose your very own color. Mine is #75dde3

Why turquoise? The lovely shade reminds me of the beautiful vibrant water of the Gulf of Mexico, fun, peace, relaxation and tranquility. All things that make me happy when I see it. This whole turquoise thing is definitely not new for me. I even seem to pin lots of bright blues to my boards these days.

The Gulf – my favorite!
a fun bauble from J. Crew, my go-to necklace to brighten up an outfit

A punch of color mixed with a more traditional entryway. 

A relaxing and vibrant sheet set your guests will love.

Beach signs.
St. Lucia, where we spent our honeymoon

Hunter and me in St Lucia on our honeymoon.