know first who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly   -epictetus
I love discovering inspiring and appropriate quotes. It seems there are words to fit any occasion. It’s always important to remember the value of being a lady and keeping it classy. While the fashion scene changes on a daily basis, sophistication and looking smart NEVER go out of style. Once you have a sense of who you are, you can better define your fashion sense and stay true to yourself. 
If you’re creative and edgy, show it. If you’re a laid-back free spirit, go with the flow. If you’re classic and conservative, that’s cool, too. I think I’m some combination of these, perhaps a laid-back conservative? This book has been out for awhile, but I’m only now discovering it. (Sorry I’m late to the party, friends). The description says “How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World” will show you how to impress people with your articulate manner, dress tastefully without sacrificing your personal style, polish your professional image to move up the workplace ladder and, of course, have a fun night out without the risk of embarrassing photos on Facebook. Think I’ll have to stop by the bookstore and pick it up soon!