Emery always has a story to tell and as soon as she starts, the details just flow in and become more and more imaginative until the end result is nowhere near where the story started. Today’s version:

Me: Are you excited about school and playing on the playground today?

Emery: Yes, I’m so excited, mommy. I love the swings and I think I’ll take this little bitty bunny with me because that puppy is too loud and everyone needs a friend and I’m sure he likes to swing, but we better be careful because there are trees and a bear might come out and be ready to eat lunch and see us and want this little bitty bunny. Aww, I don’t want the bear to eat this bunny, mommy. He’s my friend.

Emery Style - Coral Paisley Dress Kid Fashion Emery Style - Coral Paisley Dress Kid Fashion Emery Style - Coral Paisley Dress Kid Fashion

Dress: Old Navy (last year, similar here and here)  |  Shoes: Old Navy (no longer available, similar herehere and here)