The awesomely preppy trays, plates notepads and such by the fabulous Dabney Lee. I will take one of each of these.

lucite tray

ice bucket

I didn’t realize I was so preppy at heart until browsing some of the goodies on the site. Perhaps my inner nerd should have been an indication. I even got excited about seeing all the different swatches and color options. A plethora of preppy prints!

Now I need to cleverly place a hint where Hunter will see it or leave the webpage open next time he gets on the computer. Christmas will be here before we know it! (wink, wink)

Currently devouring the latest issue of VIE Magazine, which also happens to be the fashion issue. A more perfect combination could not be created. This winter issue is fabulous!! It is my absolute dream to attend a fashion show during New York’s Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and I’m wondering how I can pay the lovely ladies and gents at VIE to take me along next time. I would die. For now, I can dream and let my heart skip a beat at these chic, glossy pages.

This mouth-watering, amazingly delicious, full of goodness tomato mozzarella and avocado salad from ValSoCal. Seriously, what’s not to love? You should know by  now that I am always obsessed with avocados and a caprese salad is anyone’s friend, right? The best part is this looks easy enough for even me to handle.

image: ValSoCal

Val’s Recipe:

       Mozzarella, Tomato and Avocado Salad

       1 container cherry tomatoes, cut in half
       1 carton fresh mozzarella cheese pearls, drained
       1 avocado, peeled and diced
       1/3 cup basil, julienned
       2 tablespoons fresh parsley
       1/4 cup lemon juice
       1/4 cup olive oil
       salt and pepper

        1) In a large bowl, combine the tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and parsley, Set aside.
        2) In a small bowl, whisk the lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper. Pour over tomato
        mixture. Toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
        3) Just before serving the salad, stir in the chopped avocados. Serve salad with
        slotted spoon and toasty bread.
        4) Goes perfect with a glass of Pinot Grigio ; )

Can’t wait to whip this up again and again!