
one month down…

Well, we survived the month of April! We seem to still have our sanity, Emery is happy, healthy, and changing every day. While I’ve gotten noticeably less sleep than my pre-baby schedule, I really haven’t had many rough nights and certainly none that were completely sleepless. Emery must know how much I love my sleep...


bath time = undecided

This girl can’t decide if she loves or hates bath time. Just look at those faces. She likes being naked and likes the sound of running water, but hates when it runs over her. One thing’s for sure, we love snuggling with our little Emery bug any time, but there’s something just irresistible about that...


hippity hoppity

Our little family of three spent most of Easter Sunday at Hunter’s Aunt Bonnie’s house, letting everyone “ooh” and “ahh” over Emery while we stuffed our faces full of delicious home cooking. We all know my cooking pales in comparison to almost anyone’s so Aunt Bonnie’s food is always a treat. Hunter looks forward to...