What a busy weekend this was! I love action-packed days full of friends and fun, but man, does it wear me out! Sometimes it’s hard to remember that we used to spend every non-work day out and about, from one event to the next, flying by the seat of our pants, heading in any direction we wanted, meeting friends at all hours of the day or night, fast forwarding through work, not to make it to Friday, but only to 5 since we could just as easily do on a Tuesday what some reserve for Friday and Saturday. Apparently, I’m not as much a night owl as my former self, though I’m pretty sure a husband, a baby and longer work weeks factor in somewhere. We’ve gone from late nights involving bars and beer bottles to late nights involving lullabies and milk bottles. Such is life.

This weekend was a return to the old days. Fun with friends, drinks in hand, hopping from one activity to the next. The good times kicked off with a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon at Baytowne Wharf Beer Fest in Sandestin, one of our sponsored events at work. It’s always such a fun event and I was a little sad I couldn’t attend last year (hello, baby on board!), so I was excited to make up for lost time this year. We met up with Cassi and Travis and made the rounds from tent to tent, checking out the selections, sipping, sipping and sipping more. It was wonderful.

Before we knew it, though, it was time for a quick change and a short drive into Destin for Ash & Claudia’s wedding. We swore we would be back after the wedding to dance the night away and keep the night going as long as we could.
Have I mentioned that I love when Hunter wears suits? I think they’re growing on my country boy, but I’m not sure he would admit it. He definitely wouldn’t let me sneak a picture of more than our shoes.
The wedding ceremony was lovely; I always love watching the first dance and remembering ours.

We sat next to Amanda and her husband Chris, who I found out were expecting. So excited for them! As we have experienced, a baby has the power to change your life completely in the craziest most amazing way possible.

A few hours and a few drinks later, we decided to hit the road. We didn’t stay out as long as we planned and we never made it back to Baytowne to meet up with Cassi and Travis (sorry guys!). We sneaked out a tad early to have our own little date night, just the two of us, reminiscing on those days before promotions and more responsibility, before diapers and a baby, and before we had a clue that those fun Fridays (and Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) would take us as far down this lovely road as they did. So happy they did. I love you, babe!