30A Mamas 2015

South Walton is a wonderful place to relax, unwind and make family memories, as evidenced by the growing number of visitors each year who enjoy our slice of paradise. Locals who are lucky enough to call the area home year-round know that the routines of daily life are that much sweeter on 30A with picture-perfect backdrops around every turn and a sense of nostalgia that lends itself to moments that are both quaint and chic. In our second annual portrait, we offer a stylish snapshot of motherhood in South Walton with a crew of eight moms, eleven kids and one baby on the way.

Special thanks to Amanda Sause Photography for capturing such sweet photos!

Michaelanne Lauderdale 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Michaelanne and “Baby L” photographed at Lake Powell

Who? Michaelanne Lauderdale, due with her first baby
Favorite thing to do on 30A? There are so many amazing things to do down here! My girlfriends and I have a little tradition called “Sunset Sips” where we meet on the beach and watch the sunset with a glass (or bottle!) of wine. We do it as often as we can but usually about once a month when we can all make it work. It such a beautiful and relaxing way to wind down the day! And of course, my favorite thing is to take the boat out on Lake Powell and enjoy the amazing scenery. Nothing better than that!
Favorite 30a things you’re looking forward to doing once the baby arrives? Everything! I can’t wait to strap on the baby and take him/her to all of our favorite places. Crabby Steve’s, shopping at Willow, eating at the Perfect Pig, all of it. We are so lucky to live in such an amazing place and I can’t wait to introduce the baby to all of these special places.
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy-to-be life? I have become a huge fan of baths! I was never a bath person really before I got pregnant, but I have found myself looking forward to each evening being able to light some candle, turn on music and close the door to the world for a half hour. Its not a huge thing indulgence but I really look forward to it!
Favorite part of your daily routine? My favorite time of day is right before sunset, sitting outside in our backyard on the patio with my husband and my dogs just enjoying the beautiful weather and soaking in the day. In our house its happy hour, but during pregnancy I’ve gotten creative with juice and club soda! haha
How do you describe your clothing style? I think my clothing style is eclectic and all over the place. Everything I wear is comfortable, and with pregnancy that definitely hasn’t changed, but I try and find things that are still cute and stylish, while still being wearable and easy.
what do you think your parenting style will be like? I am all over the place when it comes to what I think I’ll be like! I like to think I am a no-nonsense kind of mom, but I also am such a softie when it comes down to it. I do really want to be a close family, which is what both my husband and I have, and take our little babe everywhere we go, if possible. I want our child to be flexible and well traveled and have amazing memories with our family from a young age.
Favorite clothing/style items to buy the little ones? I am exploding with excitement over buying clothes for this baby! We are waiting until the birth to find out what we are having, so I can’t really go crazy yet. I know that everything I want is kind of crazy and funky and interesting and definitely outside of the box, which is how my mom dressed me when I was a little girl. We went into an adorable little kids store when I was about 7 years old and we walked out with a raccoon hat because thats all I would wear. I’m gearing up for strong opinions and crazy ideas!
How does being a mama make you better/stronger? I like to think of my husband and I (and our two dogs, obviously) as sort of wandering gypsies who are always on an adventure of some sort. And I think parenthood will be no different than a huge adventure and adding a new member to our pack! Like everything else we have done together, I am going into motherhood with an open mind and heart and am going to try and take each challenge as it comes and learn every step of the way.
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? Oh my gosh, I am the last person to be giving advice, but I always tell my sister – who is absolutely super mom and I have no idea how she does it all so gracefully and effortlessly – to give herself a break. We are all human and learning everyday.
Recent thing that makes it all worthwhile? My husband is spectacular (which isn’t even a word good enough for it). He does so much every single day to take care of me and our pups and the babe. We finally sat down the other night and he felt the baby kick for the first time. The look on his face made my heart explode into a million pieces, it was such a special moment.

Jami Ray 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Jami and Emery photographed in Rosemary Beach

Who? Jami Ray, Owner of Outright Social and 30A Street Style and mom to Emery, 4
Favorite thing to do on 30A? Any day in the sunshine is a good day! We go back and forth between relaxing beach days (usually just the us girls) or tagging along with my husband for a family day fishing the bay and looking for dolphins. It’s the best of both worlds.
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? I love taking a work break to sit outside on the deck and hit reset. A walk on the beach does wonders and a good facial goes a long way.
Favorite part of your daily routine as a working mama? We’ve developed a fun after-school routine finding afternoon activities. One day might be a trip to the park, the next playing dress-up or beauty salon, then the next eating sorbet at the beach.
How do you describe your clothing style? My style has definitely become more casual for every day, but I love keeping glam accents. My current wardrobe rotation consists of maxi dresses, shifts or distressed denim with heels.
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? I try to mix being silly and fun with being stern and directive. I’m pretty relaxed, but still want to set certain rules and boundaries.
Favorite clothing/style items to buy the little ones? Right now, I buy dresses and accessories because this stage is as girly as it gets. Shoes and sunglasses are favorites to mix in as well. Emery loves wearing princess dresses and costumes, so I try to have pieces that are just as fun, but also more appropriate for leaving the house.
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? I’m always on my toes. I have to be very thoughtful about what I say and do to set the best example for my daughter. I think that spills over and has made me much more grateful, patient and probably a lot more silly.
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? Multi-tasking isn’t always the answer. Sometimes you just have to stop and focus on one thing, either to get it done or to simply relish the moment. Enjoy it while you can!
Recent thing that makes it all worthwhile? I love overhearing things I’ve said to Emery being said by her to dolls and stuffed animals. Anytime she reaches for my hand is a moment that makes me melt.

Candace Price 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Candace, Jack, Hutton and Lucy photographed at home in Rosemary Beach

Who? Candice Price, mom to Jack (6), Hutton (3) and Lucy (1)
Favorite thing to do on 30A? We love to spend time at the beach and the pool at Watersound Beach Club and the parks at Rosemary Beach. But on most days, we are at home swimming and playing in our courtyard with our family and friends.
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? Yoga, nights out with my husband and a couple of adult-only trips always help me recharge my batteries.
Favorite part of your daily routine? I enjoy quiet time with my children at night. We love to read a book, reflect on our day, and say our prayers each night.
How do you describe your clothing style? I feel very comfortable in bohemian, chic pieces at the beach. I also tend to stick with classic styles that will last for years to come.
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? I’m pretty laid back. I just want my children to be good, honest, and loving people. One of my favorite quotes is “Be Kind, Be Gentle, Be Honest”. You can imagine how many times I say this with two very active, high energy boys!
Favorite clothing/style items to buy? I’m a sucker for children’s clothing. I find myself buying a lot more girl clothes for Lucy! I love rompers and sun suits right now. I usually buy clothes for the children when we travel and I have found several European brands that are my favorite right now!
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? Being a mom is definitely the hardest job, but also the most rewarding. After a long day or work, activities, dinners, snacks, playtime, and coordination of all things family life, I find myself very content and happy to have three wonderful, amazing children. Watching them grow and change into little people is the most amazing journey I could have ever wished for in my life. Plus, doing it all at the beach isn’t so bad either!
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? It’s HARD! Everyone needs help so take it when you get the chance. Pick your battles because it is usually a phase and it does get better!
Recent thing that makes it all worthwhile? Jack told me he wanted to marry me when he grows up. He loves getting down on one knee and proposing. Hutton gives the best hugs and Lucy loves to lay her head on my shoulder and sing “rock a bye baby”. They are all at such wonderful stages in life! We are blessed.

Amy Giles 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Amy, Cooper and Riley photographed at WaterSound Beach Club

Who? Amy Giles, owner of Wardrobe Made Simple and mom to Cooper & Riley (3 1/2)
Favorite thing to do on 30A? We love going to Watersound beach to build sandcastles and fill their beach pails with sea shells and sand dollars (we call them “beach treasures”). Thankfully, they truly are my beach babies!
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? That’s easy…. getting time to shop for myself!
Favorite part of your daily routine? My favorite is bed time. The girls share a room, so after we have said prayers together and read a book, I take turns telling each one their own “made up” story and then I steal my “sugar” before I leave the room. This is such precious, sweet time that I will never forget.
How do you describe your clothing style? If I had to narrow it down, I would say that I love classic contemporary style with color, with a hint of beach chic. Fashion and style is all about “Finding your Own Chic”.
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? My husband and I believe in setting boundaries for our girls and teaching respect. But, I am definitely more of the “softy” when it comes to disciplining. I always tell my girls to be respectful of others and sweet, kind & gentle! I do like cutting up and being silly with them also, and I am not scared to wear one of their tutus and a tiara to play dress up!
Favorite clothing/style items to buy? I am obsessed with buying the girls beach cover ups, bathing suits and shoes!! It is truly a problem!
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? Becoming a mom has made me more appreciative of what my mother did for me growing up. I truly never understood how much patience, compassion, time-management, multitasking, selflessness and grace you need to be a mom – now I do — thanks mom!
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? I have learned that you definitely can’t do everything (even though you think you can). Saying no to some things is ok….There is such a thing as a “GODLY NO”. If people offer to help you, take it! Enjoy a glass of wine in the evening. Lastly, enjoy and have fun with your children while they are small…..you can’t get the time back.
Recent thing that makes it all worthwhile? After having one of our dance parties in the kitchen (with Katy Perry blaring), they each threw their little arms around me and said “Mom, we sure do love you!”

Ali Weil 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Ali and Isabel photographed in Watercolor

Who? Ali Weil, owner of Nest 30A and mom to Isabel, 7 months
Favorite thing to do on 30A? We enjoy strolling around Watercolor and its parks, especially now that the weather is so nice.
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? I enjoy getting a relaxing massage or a pedicure.
Favorite part of your daily routine? Coffee time! haha, in all seriousness, it’s when I’m cooking dinner. Isabel sits in her high chair in the kitchen while I cook and we “talk” and sing. I try to talk to her in Spanish so that she learns it early on. Usually my husband is home around that time also, so he helps me with her and we all get to catch up on the day’s events.
How do you describe your clothing style? Isabel is 7 months old, so I dress with her in mind and try look for things that are more practical while staying true to myself. That said, I really enjoy dressing up for date night with my husband and going out with friends. And anyone that knows me well knows I love me a nice pair of tall wedges, a great hat, and a good looking purse.
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? Well, I guess I’m in the process of discovering that, but I hope to find just the right balance between discipline and fun and spontaneity with her. I also hope to have the same special relationship with her that I have with my mom.
Favorite clothing/style items to buy? We have a lot of heirloom pieces that were handmade for me when I was Isabel’s age by my great grandmother and grandmother, as well as special ones that my sister-in-law wore as a baby. It’s sweet to see her in those. But I also love for her to wear cute and comfortable pieces. I love the brand Feather Baby from Little Red in Watercolor. And with summer approaching, I can’t wait to see her in a little swimsuit!
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? I feel like she is my source of inspiration for everything that I do. From the smallest thing to bigger picture. I try to do my absolute best in everything that I do, because I do it for her.
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? When others offer to help, it’s ok to accept their help. When I first had Isabel, I wanted to continue to do it all. I learned very quickly that you can’t. So, prioritize and compartmentalize. I’m a big to-do list/timeline person. It helps me stay on track throughout be day.
Recent thing your kid did or said that makes it all worthwhile? I just love it when she giggles with her Daddy. That little laugh is both contagious and addictive. You can’t help but to laugh out loud along with her.

Rachel Klaeger 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Rachel and Olivia photographed in Seaside

Who? Rachel Klaeger, Owner/ Stylist at The Southern Atelier and mom to Olivia (3)
Favorite thing to do on 30A? I love walking through the gardens at Watercolor and Olivia enjoys watching the fish in the koi pond at Uptown Grayton.
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? I love just sipping a cup of coffee and listening to the birds on my porch.
Favorite part of your daily routine? My morning coffee lol.
How do you describe your clothing style? I would say pretty simple to compliment my hats.
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? Well, I guess I’m in the process of discovering that, but I hope to find just the right balance between discipline and fun and spontaneity with her. I also hope to have the same special relationship with her that I have with my mom.
Favorite clothing/style items to buy? Pretty sun dresses and hats.
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? Well, I believe to be a mother you are extremely strong regardless if you work or stay home. Working has made me stronger because it has forced me to become creative and build a career that incorporates Olivia
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? Daily positive reinforcement and gratitude.
Recent thing your kid did or said that makes it all worthwhile? Olivia setting up her painting easel next to my desk and saying, “I love you momma! This is fun!”

Amanda Sause 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Amanda, Karsten and Kelly photographed at Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort

Who?Amanda Sause, owner of Amanda Sause Photography and mom to Karsten (3) and Kelley (9 months)
Favorite thing to do on 30a? Anything that involves the outdoors! From taking them on a run around Sandestin to visiting our beautiful beaches… as long as we are outside we are happy!
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? Bubble baths and nights out with my husband or girlfriends.
Favorite part of your daily routine? My morning coffee is my favorite part of my day. I sit on the couch and just relax for the first 15-20 minutes of my morning. As busy moms know, it is sometimes the only stable element of my routine!
How do you describe your clothing style? Comfortable and classic. Amy Giles (from Wardrobe Made Simple) came over to my home recently and we had a massive wardrobe makeover. It was a blast and she really helped me define my style in this current stage of life. I believe that a mom with young children can truly be comfortable and functional without having to always break out the yoga pants. Although I must say I do love my yoga pants!
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? My goal is to raise children that love others and feel empowered to chase their dreams. I do my very best to foster these values on a day to day basis. I am by no means a perfect parent and value the wisdom of seasoned mothers who have gone before me. It takes a village!
Favorite clothing/style items to buy? I love buying my boys fedoras, ties, and other accessories to give their outfit a little “punch.”
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? Being a mom makes you become less focused on yourself and more focused on those around you. The moment I laid eyes on my son, I started looking at other people differently. The fact that every person we face during the day is someone’s child is powerful.
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? I wish I had this perfected! I believe it is important to not over schedule. I like to have meaningful dinner conversations and reading time with my kids in the evening.
Recent thing your kid did or said that makes it all worthwhile? When I see my oldest being kind to others without being asked or saying a funny joke to make someone laugh I am reminded that my hard work is paying off.

Renee Freisen 30A Street Style 30A Mama
Renee and Cain photographed at Stallworth Beach Access

Who?Renee Friesen, mom to Cain (5)
Favorite thing to do on 30A? ‘Tour’ the playgrounds on 30A and walk the natural trails in seaside
Favorite “me time” indulgence to balance mommy life? Shopping and working out.
Favorite part of your daily routine? Hair and makeup = tie!
How do you describe your clothing style? Comfort/classy. I’m only particular on ‘name brands’ on some things like: jeans, accessories, shoes and makeup. I prefer to not wear the same outfit twice, so I love a great deal on tops, tanks and dresses!
How do you describe your mom/parenting style? I am organized and at times OCD about my house, but that’s not priority. We take detours to the park. Sometimes we eat lunch at 2. We don’t have a definite bedtime, but it happens. Every. Night. Our routine is not having one? It just works for us.
Favorite clothing/style items to buy for Cain? Graphic tees, skinny jeans and board shorts!
How does being a mama make you better or stronger? Accountability. I am the example on how to be a good/Godly spouse, parent, child, friend -all the things I want him to be.
Best advice to busy moms trying to balance it all? Do what works for your family. Comparison is the thief of joy. Spending time with your children is so valuable. They need you.
Recent thing that makes it all worthwhile? Honestly, watching him grow and learn. Seeing what his interests are and what he dislikes…. All while carrying the sweet, loving and respectful manor he’s had all along. I couldn’t have hand picked a better boy. He loves his mama and that just makes my heart so full.

In case you missed last year’s snapshot, take a look at the 2014 moms featured.