30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery

Newton Baby provided this product in exchange for an honest review.

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery

Good morning, friends! Today I wanted to share an essential part of our everyday.  I’m talking about something that helps me rest easier, makes our nights smoother, lets me wake up bright-eyed and improves how we feel each day. I’m talking about… a crib mattress.

Think about it.

When it comes to our family’s overall mood and functionality, a lot rides on the baby’s crib mattress. You might have heard the saying, “If mama’s not happy, then nobody’s happy!” In our house, it’s more like, “If Collins isn’t happy, then nobody’s happy!” That might be a slight exaggeration, however her schedule and mood can definitely make waves. If she doesn’t fall into her usual nap time slumber or has a really restless night, we all know.

Our house is small enough that we can hear every cry and practically every sigh. The comfort and coziness of a good mattress goes a long way in making sure we’re all getting enough sleep. In doing a little research about what was important to me in a mattress, here are some of my priorities:


The Newton Baby crib mattress is completely washable and is 100% breathable. In case of any accident or just on the regular laundry schedule, the case of the mattress unzips all the way around so that I can toss it in the wash and keep it as fresh as possible. The core of the mattress can even be sprayed down if needed in a bathtub or shower making it a completely hygienic crib environment.

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery


Because of the texture and design of the mattress, the cover is 100% breathable, washable and recyclable. You can see the pattern and tiny perforated holes that let air flow throughout. This airflow also helps to regulate body temperate and help babies stay asleep longer. That’s a major win!

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery

Chemical Free

Newton Baby mattresses are actually Greenguard Gold certified, which means that it is free of chemicals and toxins. I know we might not always think about this, but it’s an important point and also means that there is no no off-gassing. Can you imagine your sweet baby sleeping on a mattress that isn’t toxin free? No thanks!

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery

Transitions to Toddlerhood

Because this mattress is considered a 2-stage mattress, it works for both tiny newborn babies and growing toddlers. For little ones, it’s firm enough to safely support them in the first year but is also cushy enough that a toddler can get a good night’s rest. 

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery


This is another factor that I didn’t really consider at first, but when I thought about how often I might be changing the crib sheet and lifting the  mattress up and down, it seemed more important. At only 11lbs, the Newton Baby mattress is very light and easy for me to lift with one hand (because I’m probably holding a baby with the other!).

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery

If you’re in the market for a reliable mattress to help both you and your little one have a better night’s rest, consider Newton Baby. It helps Collins which means I wake up bright-eyed and ready to take on the day! For more information, visit www.NewtonBaby.com.

30A Mama Newton Baby Mattress - Baby Nursery