In the early weeks and months of being pregnant, it was sometimes all I could do to drag myself out of bed, keep my eyes open during the day and avoid falling asleep at 5:30 on the couch. It seems like I was tired all the time. I was so happy when I traded those drowsy, morning sickness-filled days for more normal and alert ones; however, I fear they may only last so long. I’m almost at six months and I’m really starting to feel it. Everything about me feels (and is) bigger and harder to work with. Pretty soon I’ll need a crane to lift me out of my seat. Now I just kind of roll out and up. It’s not pretty. I noticed my feet swelling for the first time the other day and was immediately teary eyed. Hunter convinced me they were fine, they were cute and he even liked them that way. (I’m sure he really isn’t a fan of fat cankle-y looking feet, but what else could he say?) After just a few hours into this morning, I could barely hold my head up. Luckily, I have an extra chair on hand and spent a good hour or so reading, answering emails and typing in this position.
I’m sure if my chair could recline a little more, I would have been asleep in about 0.3 seconds.

And yes, I’m still wearing heels…. as if I could give them up.