There has been so much going on lately, that I’ve fallen asleep on the couch, laptop open on more than one night this week.  It’s been a whirlwind, but in a good way. It’s real life, to be honest. First, let me tell you about my pride and joy. Miss Emery Lynn has given us so much to smile about with her sweet personality, gibberish conversations and at 10 1/2 months old, HER FIRST STEPS! I was sad I wasn’t there to see the first steps in person, which I suppose is a risk for all working moms, but I was thrilled that our babysitter got it on camera.

Our little girl has grown up so much right beneath our nose. She seems so much more mature and giggles all the time. She waves bye-bye and acts like she’s telling hot gossip when I hand her the phone. She’s even gotten her first tooth, actually two on the bottom, which she will not let anyone see under any circumstances.
Two teeny tiny teeth inside

Our little E took her first under-the-weather trip to the doctor recently, and all she wanted to do was cuddle. It was the sweetest and most pitiful thing. She definitely knows how to turn on the sad faces. 
She and I spent one or two weeknights engrossed in iPhone education (her with flashcards, me with anything social media) while Hunter watched Swamp People or Whitetail Adventure or whatever outdoors show is on this time.
We went to the early service at church, followed directly by brunch and mimosas. 
We spent a lazy afternoon rocking on our front porch.
I redecorated my sad little space at work with a punch of gray and white chevron, thanks to our office poster printer. My co-worker Kelli says I practically own this pattern. Yes, it is now everywhere in my life. 

I spent a gloriously warm lunch break at the beach catching up on celeb fashion.

I attended a fabulous Girls Night Out at Marlin Grill hosted by the lovely Jessica Proffitt of Proffitt PR, which deserves its own post that I promise I’m getting to. I had so much fun, I went back the next night for an FPRA get together involving much-need white wine.

Here are some of my very favorite PR lady friends. Aren’t they lovely?

I pulled over on the side of the road the other day to snap this pretty picture of one of our coastal dune lakes in South Walton. It was so gorgeous, I just couldn’t resist.

I <3 South Walton!
I got a lunchtime mani/pedi on Valentine’s Day in the sweet shade of Dutch Tulips, perfect for Cupid.
We spent a perfectly cozy evening at home on the 14th with this little Valentine helping me cook dinner and Hunter make dessert. 

It wasn’t wild and crazy or over-the-top, but it was real, just like the stream of photos above and just what Valentine’s Day is really all about. This is what life is actually like. There are fabulous moments and sweet moments, frustrating moments and breathtaking moments all rolled into one short time. There are moments you feel like you can’t change another diaper and moments you feel like snuggling with your baby and your hubby under a blanket are all you could ever need in life. There are moments you raise a glass in celebration and moments you throw a burned dinner in the trash. There are moments you argue over silly little things. There are moments you fall asleep on the couch on Valentine’s Day with a baby in your arms and wake up to your husband putting you both to bed, kitchen clean, laundry done and iPhone charging. There are moments you pick tiny pieces of soap out of the shower drain and moments your husband whisks you away for an impromptu slow dance across the living room. (Yes, this truly happened). There are times you want to throw up your hands and times you say, “Wow. THIS is a pretty sweet life.” And that’s what it’s all about, right?

Finally, after all that mush, I’m sure you guys are slightly nauseous and ready to know if you are the proud winner of my very first giveaway! The long overdue winner of the J. Crew iPhone case giveaway….. drumroll please….. according to….. is…. commenter #4, sharlander who said:
Well living in Seattle has me addicted to my Starbucks app! I’m now a gold status member since June 2011, it allows me to check my balance, see how many stars I need until my free drink, where I can find the nearest Starbucks and if I ever find myself without my card I can pay for my latte with my phone. Hands down my favorite!”

Thanks, everyone for commenting and as always, thanks so much for reading along with my scattered chatter. You guys are the best!