I Want a Tassimo!
I was over at my friends Jason and Danielle’s house the other day and got to test out Jason’s new Christmas present – the Tassimo Hot Beverage System. It is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time and now I desperately want one of my own. This mini machine magically makes everything from teas to hot chocolates to espressos to lattes and more, just with the touch of a button and about a minute wait time. You can buy the T-discs in all sorts of coffee brands and flavors — even Starbucks. I tested the cappuccino and it took no time at all to make a frothy little taste of heaven. With the ridiculously cold freezing temperatures we’ve had here at the beach lately, this would be the perfect accessory for a cold morning or a chilly afternoon. I even heard someone (who shall remane nameless) say “The Tassimo is awesome-o!” How can you resist that?
P.S. The hunter green (not black) nail polish in the pic above is Here Today…Aragon Tomorrow from OPI’s Coleccion de Espana. Love it. Thanks, Mom.
Top photo: Tassimo