Here are about half of the cards I finally mailed today. Sorry if you’re on the list and you don’t get one by Christmas. They also say Happy New Year, so as long as they arrive in 2010, I think I’m safe.

It actually didn’t take as long as I thought to pick up the 5×7 photo cards from the store (1 hr pickup), stick them on black cardstock, punch two holes at the top and run a ribbon through. I designed, ordered and mailed them out within 24 hours. Not too shabby for epic procrastination.

I was also a little late on getting our stockings embroidered. They hung name-less on the mantle for a few weeks and every time I saw them I thought, “Oh yeah. Still need to get those done.” I kept forgetting until finally, I dropped them off late last week at Sweet Bay Prints and today… voila! Our little family has a stocking set! Aren’t they cute?