Even though she wasn’t scheduled to arrive for another week, Danielle and Jason’s little girl made her big debut yesterday at 11:44 AM. This was my first sighting of her that Jason posted. She is so adorable!


I made my way over to visit the proud mama and see the little cutie. The pictures just don’t do her justice. Little Alexandra Marie is even more lovable in person — and so tiny! Just look at those feet.


I arrived during meal time so the sweet little girl wasn’t too thrilled about being pulled away from her mama for a photo op. She tried so hard not to cry and made the cutest little faces fighting back those tears.

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Love this goal that was posted in the room!


Danielle made it through like a trooper and while she wasn’t up for a pic, I can say she was just as lovely as ever! I was so proud of her and brought a little something pink for her to remember the day her baby girl Alexandra was born.


Hearing the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolutely incredible straight from Danielle and seeing how precious a newborn baby is just made me want to fast forward to April. It’s a bit overwhelming and completely exciting all at the same time. There is so much I still need to do and learn before she gets here, but I just can’t wait to meet little Emery!